Thursday, October 21, 2010

31 for 21, Day 21

Okay, this post is for all of you out there who have happened upon our little blog. I have seen folks from all over the world in my status feed. So, I am challenging you, dear readers, to put a quick comment and tell me where you're from, how you found the blog and anything else you might like to share. Thanks in advance!!


Daisy said...

I'm Daisy. From Salt Lake. And you inspire me so much in your ability to do all you do with a good attitude. You are amazing. Thank you for being such an example.


Lanna said...

You already know me. And you know where I live and where I used to live. And, just like when we met back in 2002, you constantly amaze me.

Amy said...

you're my friend. and when are you coming over?

Brenna Degano said...

Hi Jodie! It's Brenna, Bill Pierce's little sis, Sadie's sister-in-law! I am in N. California, but ironically, I used to live in Rochester too! I have enjoyed reading some of your blog postings, and I can only reflect at how life can be such a challenge, yet so fulfilling all at the same time. I hope your little family is well, and it was sure nice coming upon you, my old friend! ~Brenna

Jean said...

Hi Jodie, I am your cousin's Dan's wife (Jean) we met years ago and I like to drop by every now and then to see what is happening with your blog. Your kids are adorable keep up the good work!

JulieG said...

Hi Jodie! I'm Julie in Winnipeg Manitoba (Canada). I found your blog after you found me on Price is Right on Facebook ;) I'm glad that we found each other and am looking forward to getting to know you better. Your kids are all so adorable and I'm inspired by your family.