Friday, December 12, 2008

Emmalee's Christmas List

Emmalee just dictated her list to Santa for me.  She is a hoot!  Here's her list for her, Ty & Nate.

Dear Santa-
I want a princess doll with lots of stuff, an Elmo kitchen, my own 'puter, a new dolly, a new pen and skates.

Tyler wants to get a new holiday decoration, a new fan for the ceiling and a new toy like a bouncy ball that changes color.

Nathaniel wants a new picture of me & mommy, skates for when he's big and a new music toy like the music box we have at school.

Also, I want Tyler to be home for Christmas and not at the hosapole.


1 comment:

jkribbit said...

Oh man! She is amazing! I'm guessing you just about lost it when she asked Santa to make sure Ty wasn't at the hosapole for Christmas. Please tell her a special hello and big hug from me!