Based on the events of the last few days, 2008 refuses to end without a fight. On Friday night I slipped and fell....shocking, I know. I tripped over Brent's shoe in the breezeway and thought I broke my shoulder. A quick, (sort of) trip to urgent care and an x-ray shoulder is sprained, bruised and very sore. The doctor gave me a sling to wear. I laughed out loud. Seriously. I don't think he was amused.
When I fell I also hit the side of my face pretty hard. However my shoulder pain was worse than my face pain and I didn't really focus on it. I did think it was strange that I didn't end up with a black eye. Then tonight when I was eating dinner I bit down and my molar on the bottom left broke. Apparently I broke the tooth in the fall, hence the pain, and it didn't come loose until tonight. There is a pretty good sized chunk missing. Nice. The nerve doesn't seem to be exposed so that's good. Here's the thing. I don't like going to the dentist. Okay that's saying it mildly. I am afraid of the dentist. For real. I haven't been in way too long. I won't tell you how long. Suffice it to say I don't have a dentist here. However, my friend Teri sees a dentist whoseo office is literally right next door to our house. I called his office tonight to see if they do after hours care. They don't but they did leave an emergency number. Turns out it was the doctor's number and he actually answered the phone himself. I was shocked! He is the nicest guy and he will for sure be my dentist starting on Monday. He gave me some good tips on how to get through the weekend with my broken tooth. I will call Monday morning and walk over. I think this is God's way of telling me I need to take better care of my teeth.
As if all this weren't enough, Brent woke up today with a very swollen, red hand. Yep, his infection is back. Lovely. He went to the doctor and got another antibiotic along with some more pain meds. Hopefully we caught it early enough.
How many more days in 2008? I am so ready for it to be done!