Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Play, Play, Play!!!

On Saturday we went to Strong Museum of Play with some of our friends we've met through the miracle of adoption. It was a total blast! The kids had so much fun and boy, did they ever take good naps that afternoon. :)

And she's off. They have a mini Wegman's grocery store to "shop" in. This picture reminds me of that old game show, 'Supermarket Sweep.' Emma was in her element.

1 comment:

Andrea@Sgt and Mrs Hub said...

It was so funny to see the Strong Museum in this post! I grew up in Lima, left when I got married, so this is all familiar territory for me. My family still lives there, actually.

And isn't Wegmans like the best store EVER! I have had to survive without Wegmans for 6 years now and it's been a struggle :) By the way, I worked as a colorist at Scott Miller's Salon - have you heard of it? Just curious!

Looks and sounds like the kids had fun at the Museum!
