Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Thank You!

Emmalee has truly enjoyed her time in Nursery School this year. Tomorrow is the last day. I'm not sure which of us is sadder to see it end. Although, her reasons are probably different than mine. *smile*

I wanted to do something special for her teacher and the assistants. I really wanted to avoid the typical teacher gifts but I am painfully non-creative. Never fear, Google to the rescue! I found this super cute idea and it was very, very easy as well as affordable. We got each of them a small plant. Then I took a picture of Emmalee and went to the store to one of those photo machines. I added text and a border to the picture. The picture says "Thank you for helping me grow," along with her name and the date. Emmalee decorated the little pots to make them extra special. They ended up being around $3 each.

Thank goodness for Google!


Ashlee said...

Very cute!! I too googled my teacher gift - it was a last minute effort.

Julie said...

Who is that Grown up girl!!!! glasses? I really must keep up better!!Adorable. Now where are the updated pictures of Nate???